Monday, August 23, 2010

Litchfield Hills Olympic Triathlon 22 August 2010

Total Time: 2hours 42min 48sec

SWIM/9/10s MILE: 22min 59sec
Transition to bike: 6min 58sec (misleading because this includes a 400 yard run from the lake to the transition area)

BIKE/25 MILES: 1hour 13min 10sec at 20.78 miles per hour

Transition to Run: 2min 41sec

RUN/6.2 MILES: 57min 01sec = 9:12min mile pace or 1 mile every 9min 12sec

I felt really good the entire race and had personal bests in every event..... The run continues to be my slow event but I ripped the swim and bike.....

Pretty enjoyable....

To be honest the best part of the whole race was that my wife and boy were there in the rain for 3 hours supporting me...... On the way home my 5 year old said to me, Daddy I want to do a triathlon. Well, I said let's quit talking and start doing!!!!
When we got home we set up a course
Swim: From one side of the pool to the other lengthwise--5 meters
Bike: From our garage down to the pond on Spur road and return- 500 meters
Run: From the garage up the road to Gracie's house and back to the finish......200 meters
He did it in 11min and 52secs......
Here's the video:

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