I will be the moderator at the 1st ever New England Bike-Walk Summit taking place in Providence RI on 7 October 2010. I will be facilitating the panel on the Economic Development Potential of Biking and Walking....Join me, Bikes Belong, The Alliance for Biking & Walking and other cycling advocates for a great day in Providence. I'll be riding my bike from Connecticut to Rhode Island to attend.
Here's a link to the conference website and Facebook page:
Here's a link to the conference website and Facebook page:
Session 4: Economic development potential of biking and walking. Bicycling and walking clearly have economic, health, and environmental benefits; this session will provide an overview of how, with specific details on certain areas, proving the positive cost-benefit ratio of greater walking and bicycling. Direct, secondary, and spin-off benefits affect tourism, environmental health, air quality and greenhouse gas emissions, real estate values, individual health and public health, reduction in demand on existing transportation systems, and more.
Larry Keniston, Bicycle & Pedestrian Coordinator, NHDOT: “Bicycle Tourism in New Hampshire: Cottage Industry, or More?”
Steve Durrant, Alta Planning + Design and Nicole Freedman, City of Boston: “Cities for Cycling: Urban Bikeways Design Guide”
Mike Lydon, Street Plans Collaborative: “The Economic Benefit of Open Streets Initiatives”
Moderator: Todd Copley, Summit Travel Consulting